A good option to enjoy all the comforts of a resort with superb service without being a macro-complex
Read morePriceFrom 196 €
Before deciding on a specific hotel in Tahiti remember that it is a large island and you will probably need the whole morning to travel around it non-stop by car. Therefore, you will have to choose one type of accommodation or another depending on the time at your disposal, the activities you want to take part in and the kind of holiday you prefer. You should also assess any other islands you plan to visit: find out what kind of island they are because some are better-equipped as resorts, others mainly have beaches and bungalows and some specialize in nature tourism in the interior.
Remember that if you have any queries, you can use the contact form or ask in the comments section below and we will answer in the same place.
A good option to enjoy all the comforts of a resort with superb service without being a macro-complex
Read morePriceFrom 196 €
A wonderful option for relaxing, enjoying Tahiti's warm climate and an excellent starting point for exploring the island.
Read morePriceFrom 306 €
A different way to enjoy Tahiti due both to its inland location and for the views of its unspoilt natural surroundings
Read morePriceFrom 75 €
Here you will find an authentic hotel integrated into nature in a magnificent setting away from the main urban areas
Read morePriceFrom 151 €
Take a look at some other options for hotels and lodging in Tahiti. Ask us if you can’t find what you are looking for.
The most popular areas in Tahiti Nui are Papeete, Faa’a and Puaaauia and the Taravao and Tehaupoo districts in Tahiti Iti. Keep in mind that there are numerous highly-recommended lodgings all around the coastline and in the interior.
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